**Beginning Author's notes**
Hey guys! Sorry that I haven't been posting for the past three days. I got buried in homework and things to do but I'm going to make it up to ya'll today, kay?
Also, thank you for all the support and views for the past couple of days. Last time I checked on my iPod there were 110 or 120 views or something. Then, I check today, and there are 180 views! Isn't that just lovely? ;) Okay sorry let's get into the story now lol
"Jay, just please. Go-g-g-g-g-g-go away," I stutter.
"No. Come with me," he says.
"No. No I won't," I mock.
He then pulls me into a room which seems to be a closet.
"Okay," he starts off smooth.
"What...get me out of here!" I struggle and scream to get out of his grip, but he won't let go. I start to bite.
He laughs. Just laughs.
"HAH, Biting me won't help at all, sweets."
"I'm not your 'sweets'." I say, suddenly annoyed.
"Okay. Listen up, (y/n), you are going to love me whether you like it or not."
"Well, Jay, I don't, and I will definately NOT love you. You're just a jerk."
"Oh, okay then." He smiles. Not a good one. I get some butterflies in my stomach which are pounding to get out.
Jay pulls out a pocketknife. Oh god.
"JAY PLEASE!" I cry.
"No. I told you to love me."
He then slits down my thighs all the way down to my ankles on both legs.
I groan, daring not to look at my legs aching with pain, bursting with blood.
"Owwwwcchhh." I sniffle.
"That's what you get, babe. I told you to love me. Now act like you're my girlfriend or I will cut off your hands at my place." He grabs me by the wrist, knife in his other hand. Jay approaches the door. Just then, a custodian comes in with a garbage can and a gasp.
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