Friday, November 8, 2013

Chapter 28

*beginning notes* 
Thanks guys for reading! We are at 28 chapters!! Alright let's get back to the story. **

"Hey we should get ready." Justin says.
"Yeah, but I have no clothes or dresses." I say. "Unless I have to go to.." I wince at the words, "Zayn's house. I left my luggages there." 

After the kiss, I was still a bit drunk and kinda well... Had it. With him. I know, eww. After I lost my BFF and future bf, but I needed to get things off my mind. Then I went to Walgreens without my luggages. And I saw mom, and Justin, and Zayn... And Jeremy. Well, now I'm here. 

"That's alright babe. You go buy makeup and other girly stuff, and I will go get your clothes. Did you bring a sexy dress?" He says

U simply nod. 

"Kay, get ready!" He says. I watch as Justin puts on sweatpants and a tee shirt , then throws on a SnapBack. 
"Bye babe. I'll be back in a little bit." Just as Justin says that, there's a ring of his doorbell.
"I'll get it bae. " i say to Justin. 
"K." He says and jumps onto his king size bed.

I jog down stairs and to the door. I open it and see Julian standing there with puffy eyes and my luggages. 
"H-hey." Julian says. Tears form in his eyes. 
"Hi-- oh my gawd Ju-Julian!!" I say and start to cry as well. I hug him tightly. 
"Come in. " I say. He does as told and sits on Justin's couch. 
"So um what's going on?" I say confused. 
"Chloe, I miss you. Those 3 nights without you felt like 3 years. I woke up every morning dreading the fact that you didn't love me anymore. I'm a wreck without you. I know that sounds cheesy but I really am! I-I-I'm falling for you. You're so beautiful and I hate that you're probably over me already and with this dick of a person, Justin. Sorry if I'm rude, but I can think straight anymore. I'm sorry I yelled at you. I should've let you explain. Will you forgive me?" He says. 
"Yeah, I will, but what you said to me really hurt me. I sobbed when you kicked me out of the hotel. I almost cut, but my mom came into my life and saved me. She's been gone for years. Now she came back coincidentally and she cares about me. If you really missed me that much, you would have contacted me. Julian, Justin isn't a dick. He's actually nicer than you." I say and stomp upstairs. 

Julian's POV

 I watched as  Chloe marched upstairs. I feel her pain. She won't let me explain now. Why are girls so confusing? Err. Tears creep into my eyes again but I let them fall.  

"I LOVE YOU TOO, CHLOE." I yell to her upstairs and slowly walk towards the door, looking at my ugly feet.
I hear small footsteps down the stairs. Chloe.
She jumps onto my back and kisses my shoulders. 
"I love you too." She says and cries onto my shoulder. 
"WHO TF ARE YOU?" Justin hollers. 

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